Sunday, October 28, 2007

Movie of Miette

Hopefully you can now see this little movie of Miette right here on my blog. Let me know what you think! This is her telling, in french, about a game she plays with her classmates at school recess.


jgrampb said...

Best video I've ever seen ! Que'est ce que c'est Loup


eva said...

thanks grampa!!

loup is wolf! all french children's games seem to involve wolves (they are what amercian kids call "it"). the wolf has to catch the other kids according to various rules depending on the game.

Tristan said...

Amazing, she's already 90% of the way to being fluent! It must be so neat to hearing her speaking French. I loved the "ooohhh" at the end, so french!

Unknown said...

oh my lordie!!! i have no idea what she is saying except few words and phrases i catch but she is AMAZING!!! i love it... thats awsum miette!!! it made me smile seeing her speak...thats really cool!! and i love this whole video thing! thank you eva! and tell miette she rocks! i love her accent and all... i love seeing how you and her interact in french. its like another side of you with her.... and she looks like a little cute french girl with her cute outfit!!! xo-me

Chuck said...

Qu'est-ce que je peux dire? Je suis tellement impressionée! Miette, ton accent est parfait (tu as l'air d'une vraie petite Française!). Ce video me donne encore plus d'evie d'être là avec vous, juste pour parler avec toi et ta Maman (et Julian aussi, qui fait tant de bruit mignon dans le coin). Je t'embrasse Miette (tout en m'emerveillant de ton bel accent) et Eva (qui me manque beaucoup, elle aussi avec un tres bel accent). O, que je suis jalouse! bisous, Kristin

readyforit said...

I love that even her gestures and facial expressions are french.