Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Funny story

Well, I'll start with the end first: I ate meat last night. Here's what happened. A girl named Stephanie from Australia (also here teaching english) has become a friend and the kids love her so she has come over the past three Tuesday evenings to watch them so I could go to this meditation group. It's lovely- the kids love her, get some time away from their mom and get to speak english and I get my meditation and an evening out of the house. So I head over to the meditation place and when I arrive the man who's setting up tells me it's a different meditation than their usual tchenrézi. Once a month when it's on or almost the full moon they do a ceremony for Milarepa which involves everyone bringing offerings of food and drink which are purified and shared at a certain point in the ritual. There are cakes resembling stupas, wine and juice, candies, cookies, crackers, cheese, and meat. He tells me there is a point where first you share a drink of wine and everyone takes a piece of meat and the idea is that after the rituel they are purified and therefore no longer considered alcohol or flesh. I say to the man, do you have to eat it, I am vegetarian, and his reply is well, you really should have a small piece at least because the idea is that in eseence it is all the same food, the same taste, and sharing in it is refraining from adversion or attachment to what one habitually does like or not like/eat or not eat. So I decide I better give it a go, not such a big deal right? It seems like the underlying principle has reason. Well, when the time came, they passed the wine, passed the meat (small pieces of someting steak-like) all very communion-esque as well, and eat my tiny piece. Actually I was amazed at how good it actually tasted when i was expecting to be revolted. But then they passed around more stuff and just gave you some of what was on each platter and you didnt choose what you got. Of course, I got a slice of some other meat, like prosciutto or some thin cured sliced kind of thing which I wasn't expecting to have and then really didn't want and had to rince that down quickly with some juice. So much for the "neither aversion nor attachment" thing! Everything else went fine and I came home, hung out with Stephanie a bit and then went to bed. Well a short later I woke up with the worst feelings in my digestive system! I wo't go so far as to say pain but it was not comfortable and I couldn't sleep for a bit. Immediately I said to myself, my body is revolting against this foreign substance! I suppose it could have been anything, even just the odd combo of many different foods eaten together but my conscience wasn't believing that! I don't think I'll be dipping my toes back into that water!! But I will admit, that little piece of steak was mighty tasty......


readyforit said...

This is just the beginning Eva - soon you'll be eating the fatted calf.

I'm glad you got the recipes we sent. As you can well imagine it was a bit of an ordeal for us. Then I wrote you a long heartfelt, maudling email but accidentally deleted it.

I wish you updated your blog every second.


katie f said...

if you'd asked julian for a bit of carnivore's advice, he would've steered you toward some crispy bacon! when in doubt, stick with plain pork - you're a cincinnatian.

i haven't put stella in any of her new clothes yet. i've been too busy just staring at them and drooling. please tell miette "thank you" (from stella) for the pictures and artwork she sent!

we still miss you. i promise to send pictures soon.

love, katie

Brenda said...

eva: so much fun, such an inspiration reading your communiques. i knew you would thrive on this opportunity. it seems so right, for you, for the children, and your blogs bear that out. the pictures of julian checking out the mail slots, the children eating lunch in courses, with silverware, all of you chatting in french with your new friends, and now the great meat debate. while i don't agree with the spiritual leader that it's necessary (i've always marveled at your care and consistency with your diet), i do agree with katie that you've got to go with pork, if at all! ******* i've so many thoughts and am so grateful for the vicarious thrills enjoyed through you of late. my love to you all. please tell miette that i've been called tarbaby, dumbell, doorbell, and worse! and tell julian that in going through the attic at grammer's, getting ready for the sale, i found a really neat marble maze. and please tell them both how much i miss them. bye for now. (from Dad via Mom)