Thursday, November 1, 2007


Today is Toussaint, All Saint's Day. It was absolutely the most magnificent fall day imaginable. See picture above where I tried to capture a sense of the sky. Everything was closed and so we had slow home day then went to the park and thankfully saw kids from school there. Miette played with LĂ©onie, from her school, and they were shouting rhymes for Miette to each other on the swings- "arrete, je suis une baguette de miette- arrete- baguette-miette- arrete- baguette- miette!!! They made a boulangerie selling cakes, bread and tea from sand, acorns and leaves.

Though vacation in theory is great, being with the kids 100% day and night by myself is making me feel a little crazy at the moment. We all need some more human interaction (and I desperately need a backrub!) Yesterday we went to the Museum of Natural History which has recently undergone serious renovations and reopened this weekend so we took advantage of our vacation time to have lunch in a cafe and spend our afternoon at the museum. Miette made lots of sketches of animals that interested her. Julian was very interested in the creatures displayed there but was a little frightened by some such as the stuffed bison and lion. We also discovered a great playground in the botanical gardens behind the museum and the kids had a blast there. Most playgrounds we've run into here are for preschool age children and they don't have monkey bars, big swings or other things we think of as standards in U.S. playgrounds so we were happy that this new one had some structures geared also towards older kids.

It's been feeling like autumn inside and out- we've gotten local apples and made our own applesauce (thinking of Grandma Katie), made a batch of potato soup, collected autumn leaves and have been drinking tons of tea (in fact, I've switched back to tea in the mornings too! Without Ryan here to share the pot of coffee my heart just wasn't in it anymore!). I'm hoping that since La Rochelle weather is supposed to be mild that maybe it means we'll have a sort of prolonged autumn... It really is my favorite season!

p.s. I added picture of me since I there was a request... but it's not very interesting. You can see me, I am still looking pretty much the same, I think! I will try to hand over the camera and get something with me and the kids in some sort of interesting location next time, If I remember!


katie f said...

hey. sounds like we're going to have a new niece/nephew very soon!!!... last i heard, miz em is huffin' and puffin'.
looks like you're all enjoying fall so much. it's quite beautiful here, as well, but i think france takes the cake.
did you get my last email??
love, k

jgrampb said...

We got some other pictures of mostly Miette forwared by Moma Bren. I'm trying to save them but I'm not used to all the functions on my new i Mac. I "saved" them but can't find them. All's well in Waverly and we're looking forward to seeing little Nellie Em, Keep the blogs coming ! Love Grandma Kaatie and Grandpa Jack.

Elizabeth McGhee Hassrick said...

dear eva, i love you eva and i hope you have a good day in france and I love you eva, and i still love you and julian and miette and you have to be nice to me. you should come over to my house. you should play with me! eva, i want you to stay and i want my mommy to go away and then i want to say my ABCs to you and i also like to say that i want to snuggle with you and i want to speak french with you and i also want to go to france and i want to be the first one ready and i want to play cinderella and i also like to say i love you eva and i want to be the first one ready and then thats it. love, edel

ps- hello eva! edel has been thinking about you a lot this week. we will be sending you soon all the pictures she has been drawing for you so you can feel all the love she is sending your way.
pss- i defended my dissertation!!!
psss- your blog is very cool. what a beautiful place you live in!!!there is a french student who lives in our house whose grandparents live in your city!