Wednesday, November 7, 2007


We just came back from a little vacation in a nearby town in Fouras which is on a "presque-île", a little peninsula abut 40 minutes away from La Rochelle. These pictures are just of the beaches at sunset and also one from the Hallowen party we went to this afternoon right after we got back into town. (Yes, I know it's not Halloween anymore but the family who threw the party was out of town for the school vacation and so had it today after their return.) I'll write more later about our time there- for now just the pictures!


L Rothan said...

Your dad gave me this web address. I was calling regarding the Ulster Project. UP is trying to update their mailing address because next year marks the 20th anniversary of UP in Cincinnati. I was wondering if you would be interested in receiving UP information. If so, is there and e-mail address we could use? Please let me know.
P. S. Enjoyed your blog!

eva said...

email me at and i'll send you my info, i'd love to receive UP info!

readyforit said...

You've been gone a week and that's it! I'm just going to sit here pressing refresh until something new appears.

I'm glad to see another picture of you - did the little guy take that?

readyforit said...

Oh, there he is in the background. How silly of me.