Thursday, March 6, 2008

music, food, and the anatomy of a face

I have been enjoying so much new music this year and thought I'd share this one that my friend Niina put on a mix for me. It is called "le vent nous emportera" and here is the link to the video
On an unrelated note, Julian asked me this morning why our noses are below our eyes.
and Miette is cooking these days. I am letting her get creative in the kitchen and I don't oversee anything- only constraints are that she clean up after herself. Her friend Apolline was over for one of these cooking adventures and they planned and prepared a whole menu which was actually quite good! She named the dishes "Fleur de pommier" "Pomme d'Amour" "Creme Brulee". the first dish had fromage frais (a kind of fresh cheese, soft and slightly sour) spread on a plate and overlaid with almonds and fresh chopped apples and pears. The Pomme d'Amour was a combination of nutella, honey, cinnamon, nutmeg and sliced apples to dip in it and "Creme Brulée" was a beverage made of milk, spices, cinnamon, and chocolate. Then she cooked dinner all by herself (only asking me to heat it on the stove after everything was done). There was a soup (of olives, carrots, and red peppers), bread, and cinnamon stuffed prunes with almonds and jam for dessert. I was skeptical of the soup but it was really tasty. I think she may have a future in the restaurant business.....


Lhamo Osel said...

I believe that your nose is below your face so that if you sniff something wonky, it doesn't make your eyes water so much. This belief may, of course, have no basis in fact.

sylvie d said...

Miette fait de la poesie avec les ingredients!
Cette petite fille est une artiste :-)

Brenda said...

I too pondered the matter of the location of our eyes above our nose. I think that the cavity that is required for the eyes to function would interfere with the upper jaw. It would be huge engineering project to redesign the face, it really is a marvel of design! I think it would be a little like re-arranging furniture in a room with a fireplace, 4 doors and two windows, tricky.
I wonder, Eva, did Miette use the fresh cheese we bought that we thought was cottage cheese? I'm eager to set her loose with Grandpa in the kitchen when you come home. In the meantime, Bon Appetit!

katie f said...

tell julian that when he figures out the nose answer, stella would love to know....
and, eva, if lab school wants to observe you teaching, why not just send them a video of you teaching your class? it's another way for them to observe - no less thorough than anything else... just a thought.
we miss you! we've had about a trillion inches of snow in the last 24 hours. no one is leaving their house, driving, etc. we all went out for a walk this morning (grandma b, grandpa j, stella, and leo dog), and stella thought it was hilarious to watch leo running and jumping all over the snowy scpa field. miette and julian would've loved it, too. warm weather is pleasant, but sometimes a huge snow is way more fun!
big hugs and wet kisses,
katie and stella

Nancy Gift said...

Miette's cooking sounds delicious - I wouldn't be surprised at all if she takes her mom's creative abilities and cooking talents to her own level. Nothing like a year in France at a young age to inspire a person!

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