Thursday, February 7, 2008

The kids seem to be maturing rapidly...

...and are so full of wisdom! For example, Julian had this deeply philosophical question at dinner the other night - "Wouldn't it be funny if french was english?" Exactly. That's what I always say. These deep thoughts must be causing an accelerated aging process because all of a sudden he also seems to have grown the afeared mustache- he's opting not to shave for now because he's still afraid of the razor, but he's adapting quite well to his new facial hair.


Nancy Gift said...

That mustache he has grown makes him look very French!

:) I love when they say things like that.

Ser said...

Oh my gosh, he is so cute. And so wise for his years.

jgrampb said...

I must have made more of an impression on him than I thought ! Wait till he gets a beard. Grandpa Jack