Sunday, December 16, 2007

feeling better

Jules is finally better but just barely. Now the poor kid is starving after 3 days of limited food and everything that went in going right back out. We had a nice weekend regardless. I think it forced me to rest up a bit as well which I needed so I can be in good form for the last week before Christmas. There's so much going on in the next 5 days! Meetings, dinners, school christmas shows, and I even still have some stupid french bureaucratic ends to tie up to top it all off. Christmas will be a welcome calm.

Little people funnies: Julian's new favorite phrase is "freak out". As in, "Miette would be really freaked out if I..". (fill in the the blanks). I wish I could remember the multitude of ways he's used it lately but it's been in every other conversation we've had lately. Pretty funny coming from the mouth of a not-quite-four-year-old. Also he has been speaking little tidbits of french more and more often. Usually almost secretly though, to himself while playing I'll hear him say- "pas comme ça, pas comme ça". And a couple times when I've "caught" him, he acts kind of mad that I've heard him! We got a "Schtroumpfs" DVD (the Smurfs in french) from the Mediatheque and while he was sick watching it, he made a comment about the smurf who gives trick presents that explode and referred to it as a "cadeau", choosing to use the french rather than the english in his description!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Eva, Did Julian's illness prevent you from seeing Miette's play? I was hoping for a new blog video posting. Maybe she could do an excerpt from the play for us. Hope you are all feeling in tip top shape for Ryan's arrival. I think you should have made Goetta for the dinner. Mom